Saturday, August 8, 2020

Let’s take a pledge: We will save water

मत करो मुझको बर्बाद, इतना तो तुम रखो याद

प्यासे ही तो रह जाओगे, मेरे बिना ना जी पाओगे

   Above lines are written by: Ravi Shrivastava

70% (3/4 part) of the Earth is containing water in the form of icebergs, ocean, seas, rivers ,lakes etc. but what a tragedy that still there is water scarcity. Water scarcity is not for earth but for human beings as all the water available on Earth can’t be utilised for household works, agriculture or in drinking. The fact is only 2.5%  water is fresh and out of which only 1%  is easily assessible. Imagine that  a person is  standing knee deep in the river and still dying of thirst. The same situation will  have to face by all of us in coming days. There is water all around but we can’t use it for cooking or any household work. 

In earlier days, there were arrangements of piau/mashak etc. for travellers but now a days water is selling in the form of mineral water bottles and we purchase it also. Such a drastic change is there but this change didn’t happen at once. It was a gradual change but we realised it’s consequences later on in the form of water scarcity. 

In earlier days there was no problem of potable water as water  resources like rivers were clean and sufficient amount of underground water was available but due to population explosion the demand of water has increased and above all the main key factors responsible for scarcity of potable and clean water are:

1) human interference in nature as factories are increasing day by day and the waste of these factories get mixed into water resources and making them polluting. 

2) Luxurious lifestyle of  human being which causes use of ROs, showers/ jacuzzi tub for bathing, vehicles like cars which also require water for it’s cleanliness. 

3) Cemented roads and tiled/ marbelled floors  in homes due to which rate of percolation of water is decreasing and level of underground water is also decreasing and many more factors are there.

All these factors causes a lot of wastage of water and this water cannot be reused. 

Now the question is that who is responsible for this change? How can we save water? How can we increase underground water level. Seems to be such a big question, a big  problem! But is it really a major problem? Yes it will remain a major problem until we human beings don’t change our habits, don’t become a responsible citizen. Otherwise it’s not such a big issue. A lot of suggestions, schemes, remedies and awareness programmes are initiated under various government organizations, ministries, NGOs etc. 

But the actual problem is of implementation by we people. Our thinking is what will happen just by doing of me only as others are not following and this is a real problem. We all have to change our thinking . 

All of us are very well aware that during  lockdown period river water get start cleaned itself without any help just because there was no interference of human being in any form. So, just there is a need to change our views and then see the magic. 

A little bit efforts like:

 1 ) Making of Rainwater harvesting system in societies, offices,  factories, homes etc 

2)  Use of spongey material in the formation of roads which can increase percolation of rainwater 

3) Proper disposal of factory waste and proper drainage system 

 4 ) Proper use of water for household works

5) Growth of more water efficient crops

6) Keep the tap closed while doing tooth brush, handwash, doing washing of dishes etc. 

7) Inculcation of habits of save water in children 

8) Try to reuse the waste water of RO, washing clothes etc. for cleaning purpose.

 done by everybody can bring a major change and may be our future generation will not face this scarcity of water.

 On  the one side, we worship our rivers and side by side we are polluting them on the namesake of worship by throwing temple waste, immersion of thousands of idols of Gods/goddesses etc. If these rivers are sacred for us then it's our duty to keep them clean. So let’s take a pledge that we will not pollute our water resources and  will not waste a single drop of water.

Friday, July 3, 2020


Today is International Plastic Bag Free Day. It was started by Bag Free World to create awareness among people about the harmful effects of plastic bags not only on human beings but also on animals . It is affecting not only living beings but non living things are also getting affected by it.
So many campaigns are carried out to minimise the use of plastic bags at world wide level but even then use of plastic bags is not reducing. It is not so that people are not aware about the consequences of using it but they find it a best alternative as it's cheap and durable.
 But can it be more valuable than the life of living beings???? Definitely no.....but even then people prefer it's use.
 It's high time as the use of plastic especially single use plastic is not only a danger for living beings on land rather it's also affecting the aquatic life terribly.
My purpose in this post is not about to discuss the harmful effects of plastic bags as already all are aware about this.
But I would like to remind once again that we should use the alternative of plastics which are available in plenty like:
 use of paper bags, jute bags, bags made up of cloth etc .
Whenever we go to market for shopping,we should carry our own bags. 
It's our earth, our life,we should adore it not only for ourself but for future generation also.

Friday, June 5, 2020

How themes related to environment would be fulfilled? Think.....

Today ,5 June 2020, is World Environment Day which is celebrated every year on 5 June. It is also called Eco day or  Environment day. First time, it was celebrated  on 5 June 1974.
 The theme for this year's World environment day is "Biodiversity" .  World Biodiversity Day is celebrated on 22 May  and the theme for this year i.e. 2020 is " Our solutions are in nature" and it's true also.
Already, I discussed in my last  post that nature can heal itself but it will be possible only when we human being don't disturb it.
  But human being has become so selfish that he just think about his own comfort zone and for this, he  doesn't hesitate or even not give a single thought in harming the environment not only floura but fauna also and its live example is killing of a pregnant elephant after eating a pineapple filled with explosive in Kerala. It is really a shocking incident  that while doing so the soul of human being doesn't shiver or cry.  While just by listening this news on news channel, my heart was crying. It is so horrible.
Now it's time to think that how all these themes would be fulfilled?
Already we are facing this pandemic covid-19 which is also the result of human's actions.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


“Nature is pleased with simplicity and nature is no dummy” by Isaac Newton

This quote of Newton seems to be really true during this lockdown period. During this period, when human beings are confined to their homes, there is no disturbance or interference of human being in environment , the nature is also changing itself. 

The beauty of nature which was destroyed by us is replenishing itself . It seems that this lockdown period proves to be a blessing for nature. Now a days, lot of news are coming that sky is appearing crystal blue, there is drastic fall in pollution level, Pir Panjal range from Srinagar, snow covered peaks of Himalaya range from Saharanpur(U.P.), Sitamarhi (Bihar) are visible after many decades. Ganga and Yamuna rivers are also cleaning themselves. Ozone hole which has become a topic of serious concern is also replenishing itself . Even birds and animals are also having a gala time during this lockdown period.

 But have we given a thought why is it happening? What magic happened during this lockdown period? Now it is time to think for all of us that on one side conferences are organised at National or International level to decrease the Carbon emission, pollution level, to find out the ways how to clean river, to decrease global warming but no fruitful result is there till now. But during this lockdown period as interference of human being has minimized so nature has also get time to beautify itself once again. This is that beauty of nature which we (especially present generation) have seen till now only in books. 

So, we should wake up and stop our interference in environment as nature wants only simplicity.